In an unfortunate incident on Tuesday, an individual from Pennsylvania fatally shot his wife and then took his own life, leaving their five children orphaned just five days before Christmas. The tragic event unfolded during a heated argument between Blase, aged 39, and Brooke Raia, aged 34, within the confines of their Greenwood residence’s basement at approximately 7 p.m. This information was relayed by Logan Township Police Chief Dave Hoover, as reported by the Altoona Mirror.
The assailant fatally shot Brooke Raia in the head before turning the firearm on himself, as confirmed by the police. This apparent murder-suicide unfolded while the four younger children were present at home. A mere half an hour later, upon returning from work, the eldest child discovered the lifeless bodies of their parents, as outlined by Hoover. The children, identified as Blakely (daughter), Blase Jr., Brennan, Kamden, and Easton per Blase’s obituary, underwent interviews and were subsequently entrusted to the care of other family members.
Jim Patterson, a retired colleague, shared, “He was a commendable individual and an industrious worker. His colleagues held him in high regard.” Candy Holliday, a close friend and neighbor of Blase, is actively raising funds for his funeral. She emphasized that he “treasured his five children above all else in this world.” Hoover also noted that Brooke Raia was employed at a nearby chiropractic office, and her obituary mentioned her past employment at the Amazon warehouse in Altoona.
The couple, who solemnized their union in 2022 according to Blase’s obituary, shared a profound involvement in the realm of racing. Brooke Raia’s father gained prominence as a motorcycle racer and later assumed the role of an announcer at a local speedway. Simultaneously, Blase pursued drag racing as a personal hobby.
In the wake of this tragic loss, the racing community has rallied together to offer support to the grieving children, successfully raising a substantial amount exceeding $56,000. Donny Algieri, the individual spearheading the fundraising efforts, conveyed, “While acknowledging that thoughts of Christmas may be distant amid their sorrow, it is imperative for them to recognize the unwavering support from both the racing community and their extended family.”