In the narrow lanes of Bhagirathi Vihar in northeast Delhi, India, a shocking murder unfolded on Wednesday night, fueled by jealousy and a love triangle, as per the police. The victim, Mahir, a 20-year-old from Ghaziabad, worked at a flex printing shop in Paharganj, Delhi. The main accused, Arman Khan, 18, engaged in a deadly rivalry with Mahir over a 21-year-old woman, not yet identified by the police, who had connections with both on Instagram.
The tension between Mahir and Arman escalated when Arman discovered a video call between Mahir and the woman. Outraged, Arman accused Mahir of interfering in their relationship and seized the woman’s phone to prevent any further communication with Mahir.
In a sinister scheme, Arman tricked Mahir into coming to Bhagirathi Vihar under the pretext of returning the woman’s phone. Accompanied by two others, Faisal (21) and Sameer (19), they ambushed Mahir, brutally stabbed him to death, and fled, leaving his lifeless body by the roadside.
A distress call led the police to Mahir’s body that night, showing multiple stab wounds to his abdomen, and a blood-stained knife was found at the crime scene. Delhi Police, along with the Anti-Auto Theft Squad (AATS), swiftly tracked down and arrested all three suspects in connection with the murder. According to the police, Arman owns a general store, Faisal works as an LCD TV repairman, and Sameer is a scrap dealer. All three accused reside in the Bhagirathi Vihar area where the tragic incident occurred.