Reliance Jio, led by chairman Akash Ambani, is teaming up with the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT-B) for a cool project called “Bharat GPT.” This was shared by Ambani during a talk at IIT-B’s Techfest.
Ambani spilled the beans on their big plan to make AI a big deal, not just in their company but across the board in all kinds of areas. He thinks AI, which stands for artificial intelligence, will totally shake up how things work in products and services.
And that’s not all – Reliance Jio is super pumped about bringing 5G private networks to the scene. They’re even throwing in a 5G stack for businesses. Ambani spilled the beans on upcoming stuff too, mentioning they’re diving into media, commerce, communication, and gadgets.
But here’s the kicker: they’re also cooking up their own operating system (OS) for TVs. Ambani spilled the beans on this too, saying they’ve been working hard on it. He sees India as this massive hub for innovation and even called Jio the world’s biggest startup.
Ambani wrapped it up with a big prediction – he thinks India will become a $6 trillion economy by the end of the decade. So, it looks like Reliance Jio is all in for making big moves in tech and innovation on a global level.