A video of Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor celebrating Christmas has caused some trouble in Mumbai. A man complained, saying Kapoor and his family offended religious feelings. The video shows Ranbir Kapoor taking part in the Christmas tradition of setting pudding on fire with alcohol, with his wife, actor Alia Bhatt, beside him.
A person named Sanjay Tiwari filed a complaint at Ghatkopar police station, claiming that Kapoor poured liquor on cake, set it on fire, and said “Jai Mata Di.” However, no official police report has been made about this complaint yet.
The video comes from the yearly Christmas brunch hosted by Kunal Kapoor, where Ranbir, Alia, and their daughter Raha were present. Besides, the couple also joined a small Christmas gathering at Alia Bhatt’s mom Soni Razdan’s place. Alia shared pictures with a caption expressing gratitude, saying, “Grateful for this bunch… grateful for so so much… Merry Merry Christmas & happy happy always,” along with a Christmas tree and a black heart emoji.
Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor got married in April 2022 and had their daughter, Raha, in November of the same year.